Georgia Council of Nephrology Social Workers

Mission Statement

The Council of Nephrology Social Workers (CNSW) functions as a professional membership council within the framework of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and networks with other organizations, including the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), state and local governments, and private groups. CNSW's purpose are:

  1. to assist patients and their families in dealing with psychosocial stresses and lifestyle readjustments, and to facilitate a treatment program that will maximize rehabilitation potential.

  2. to support the federal regulations governing ESRD reimbursement in regard to standards for social work practice and in the definition of a qualified social worker.

Strategic Goals

  1. Develop and promote patient and public education.

  2. Support and promote the profession and education of renal social work.

  3. Impact regulatory and legislative issues.

  4. Ensure the use of the qualified social work in the ESRD setting.

  5. Provide ongoing support and education to the renal patient.